Create +


create (v.)

To make something new or imaginative.

Source: Cambridge English Dictionary

conspire (v.)

Literally "to breathe together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" + spirare "to breathe"

Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

  • Lectio Divina

    Weekly on Mondays 5 - 6:30 pm Pacific. Bible study for spiritual refugees. Lectio Divina is a contemplative method of reading the Bible with ‘the ear of the heart’ so as to be transformed, more than simply informed, by the text. Come prepared to relinquish reactivity, wrestle with reality, and allow yourself to be held in the discomfort of uncertainty.

  • The Conspiracy Sessions

    Weekly on Saturdays 9 - 11 am Pacific. Hang out with me on Zoom as we take some breaths, make some art, and do the messy tender work of being creative humans together. Bring your favorite mark-making tools for two hours of quiet co-working including optional prompts, reflections, and boundaried sharing. Come prepared to mute your inner critic and listen to your guts.